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Rossella BLUE Mocerino
Dec 28, 20212 min read
Rossella BLUE 'Interaction between artist and viewer'
I don’t care much for openings. Does anybody ever really look at the work on display? Sometimes it seems people talk about anything but...

Rossella BLUE Mocerino
Oct 27, 20212 min read
Rossella BLUE 'The Triptych +2 +5'
I have been highly influenced by Francis Bacon's use of the triptych as a valid, contemporary artistic expression. One thinks of the...

Rossella BLUE Mocerino
Dec 29, 20203 min read
Rossella BLUE 'New York & Venice (and Paris too!) a tribute during the pandemic'
Reflections on loved cities during the pandemic from the perspective of an artist who lives in New York and loves Venice (and Paris too!)...

Rossella BLUE Mocerino
Nov 3, 20202 min read
Artists and Colors
Artists turn colors into their own color scheme so much so that you recognize an artist’s work by the colors used in their paintings....

Rossella BLUE Mocerino
Jul 18, 20203 min read
Rossella BLUE 'Where does an artist draw inspiration from?'
Three trips to Europe that inspired me to revisit and reinterpret my 'number paintings'.

Rossella BLUE Mocerino
Oct 2, 20193 min read
Rossella BLUE 'A Staircase to Heaven'
Guided art tour of show A Staircase to Heaven by artist Rossella BLUE Mocerino. St. Agnes Library. September 2019.

Rossella BLUE Mocerino
May 31, 20194 min read
Connecting to the Harlem Renaissance through the poetry of Countee Cullen
"I have wrapped my dreams in a silken cloth,
And laid them away in a box of gold" Countee Cullen

Rossella BLUE Mocerino
Sep 14, 20183 min read
Countee Cullen, Harlem and Me
I first came in contact with Harlem when I exhibited a few years ago at the 115 Street Library (now renamed The Harry Belafonte Library)....

Rossella BLUE Mocerino
Aug 13, 20184 min read
What Kind of People Vandalize & Destroy Art?
Some of my works were vandalized so I wanted to find out exactly what kind of people are capable of vandalizing and destroying art....

Rossella BLUE Mocerino
Jul 30, 20184 min read
Abstract Art is Out Depicting the Human Figure is Back
Summer 2018. I have recently come back from a trip to Edinburgh and London and it struck me how all the exhibitions I saw dealt with the...

Rossella BLUE Mocerino
May 8, 20183 min read
Artists and Self-Portraits
I have never been interested in doing portraits or self-portraits although I did a few self-portraits earlier on. Many artists, on the...

Rossella BLUE Mocerino
May 1, 20182 min read
Artists and Their Studios
We artists are all different. You can see that even by the way our studios look like. Here is Francis Bacon's art studio. Messy, right?...

Rossella BLUE Mocerino
Apr 25, 20182 min read
Rossella BLUE 'Me and Modigliani'
There are many memories from my childhood I have forgotten but for some strange reason I remember when I became aware of art. Back in the...

Rossella BLUE Mocerino
Apr 5, 20184 min read
Rossella BLUE 'Venice – Paradise Found'
In my previous art talk, I introduced my work and what led me to produce the paintings for the MEDITATION IN THE CATACOMBS show. Now I...

Rossella BLUE Mocerino
Mar 30, 20185 min read
Rossella BLUE 'A Life in Art: from New York to Venice'
Those of you who are familiar with my work know that it's all about masks and being masked. However, if this is the first time you're...
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